Winning The Complex Sale
Crush Your Number
Learn how to Win the large B2B sale and Crush Your Quota. Includes 25 group calls via and lasts 12 Months. The course focuses on the sale from the First Qualifying call to Closure.
No Refunds and No Cancellations.
Brian Burns
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Stages of Sales People Development
Sales Profiles and ABC
Maverick Mindset
Proactive Mindset
Competative Mindset
Motivation Mindset
Creative Mindset
Intelligence Mindset
Law 1 best interest
Laws of Sales Overview
Law Overtly Positive
Law - Divide and Concur
Law - Nothing Happens
Law - It is not about the Product
Law - If you what if going to happen
Law - You Know How to Sell
Laws - Set the Rules
SkillSet overview
How to Direct the Decision
How to Create and Keep Momentum
How to Control the Decision without being controling
Map to Money Overview
Map to money eliments
Creating the map to money
First Call Overview
Pre Call CheckList
First Call Objective
First Call - Why should they care
First Call Conversation Flow
First Call Best Questions
First Call Stories
First Call Next Meeting Idess
First Call Post Call Review
Map to Money First Phone Call
Technical Sales Introduction
Technical Sale Stages
Technical Sale Players
Technical Sale Lockouts
Technical Sale Map to Money
Technical Sale DMC
Technical Sale Laws
Technical Sale Check List
Technical Sale States What to do
Technical Sale Rules set and brake
Technical Sale Mistakes
Business Sale Introduction
Business Sale DMC overview
Business Sale Laws
Business Sale Biz Justification
Business Sale Mistakes
Business Sale Pricing
Client Stages 1
Maverick Matrix
Future of Sales
Maverick Matrix Attitudes
Maverick Matrix DMC
Maverick Matrix Stakeholders
5 ways to diff as a salesperson
How office hours work and a high level overview of the Map to Money and How to Prevent problems
Office Hours 04-13-18 Great examples on Biz Justification and
Map to Money Review 050418
Office Hours 5-11-18 Map review and different meeting approaches.
Office Hours 05-25-18 M2M simple start
Office Hours 06-08-2018 M2M review
Office Hours 06-22-18 m2m review and q&a about selling to the c-suite
Additional Q&A on Lockouts, Rules, Traps, Radio Silence
Office Hours - 07-06-18 Business Justification
Office Hours 07-20-18 pre- call, post-call and email
Office Hours 08-03-19
Office hours 08-17-18
Bonus Case study of how to start the conversation
Office Hours 09-14-18 Business Sale Strategies
How to make it a must have??? one-on-one
Office Hours 10-12-18 How to structure a call
Office Hours 10-26-18 Questions and Problems
A Year to Excellence
Office Hours - Listening Skills
Office Hours 12-28-18 Laws Habits
Office Hours - First Call and Next Steps - Listen for Jan Bonus
Office Hours 01-25-19 DMC Rules
Office Hours 02-08-19 The Tech Sale and How to prevent stalls.
Office Hours 2-22-19 m2m details and preventing "No Decision" and Stuck deals
Office Hours - 03-08-19 Urgency how to create it and keep it
Office Hours 03-22-19 decision elements
Office Hours 04-05-19 How to Get What YOU want and need
Office Hours 04-19-19 recovery and tech sales Q&A
M2M template from Office Hours 05-3-19
Office Hour Recording 05-03-19
Office Hours 05-17-19 When to present the BizJ and MindSet
Office Hours 05-31-19 proactive deal momentum and handling how much does it cost?
Office Hours DMC and Creative engagement
Barzini and other deal stalls
How to keep DMC and Handle Price during the different stages
How to keep DMC and Handle Price during the different stages
DMC - mapping - sticking points - new position strategy
Office Hours 08-09-19 M2M online first call and next steps
Office Hours 9-6-19 Making it automatic and dealing with admin forced managers
How to deal with multiple divisions, DMC, Stuck in Purchasing
How to deal with multiple divisions, DMC, Stuck in Purchasing
10-04-19 Office Hours Q3 lessons and Q4 strategy - Dealing with approvals and funding.
10-18-19 Proactive vs. reactive, rfp, flow state and recognizing where you are in a deal
How the technology adaption lifecycle effects your sales process
12-27-19 Common traps and mistakes - dealing with RFI, RFP and other bidding issues
12-13-19 First F2F call strategy and traps
How to create interest and urgency in each meeting
How to create interest and urgency in each meeting
Mind Map for Office Hours 01-10-2020
Winning the technical sale in the beauty contest and consulting service - Holding company and CRO examples
How to set the Rules and Break your competitors rule to win the deal - 02-07-20
2-21-20 Getting the Technical Sales and Differentiating Yourself - Deal Strategy
3-6-20 How to tell if you are losing before it is too late and what to do about it to win
How to selling during a crisis - Mindset to become great - What to do when you are not their first choose.
04-03-20 Demos - POC's and how to best use them to get the tech sales
4-17-20 How to learn from each conversation and plan to make every call and A
How to Prevent falling into Sales Process trap - Why they are so dangerous
OH 5-15-20 Case study of lost deals - CFO Neg - Pricing - Success stories
5-29-20 Acid Tests - Getting to the real issue - Preventing delays
How to get people to NOT wait and buy now - How to handle a cold RFI - Interest building questions
6-26 How to recover from a stalled deal and how to prevent it - Outward Mindset and Personal wins
How to be viewed as more than a rep and not get ghosted
The typical stalls of the large deal and how to prevent them - Q&A about DMC
Locking out competitors and setting and changing the rules
What to do when a new leader comes in - How to add DMC to a deal
Acid tests - Tech Sales - Unblocking from the CEO - End Running to win back
How to use the demo and presentation - What each person really wants
How develop a par
How to Max Q4 -
How to max the course - business justification - roi - competitive strategy
How to block a competitor and prevent it in the future. OH 11-13-20
11-27-20 How to prioritize deals and your time
12-11-20 Why and where deals get stuck and how to prevent them - How to max the course
12-25-20 Full Process review and repair
01-08-21 Lessons learned in 2020 - Time optimization - Preventing stuck deals - getting C-suite approval
01-08-21 Pdf Mindmap
01-22-21 How to keep a deal moving - assets vs. activity
Sales Kickoff presentation I did to prevent deals from stalling
02-05-21 Traps as both an individual and in deals
02-19-21 How to drive the administration of issuing the order
Asking the hard questions to avoid the traps and win the deal - success stories - MUST LISTEN TO
03-19-21 Expiration dates and ROI with the right person - When to give pricing and how
04-02-21 How identify and avoid traps that delay and kill deals. - Must Watch
04-16-21 How to prevent deals from getting stuck and why finance gets involved
4-30-21 Preventing the deal going to lowest bid - Why NOW - How to grade your proformance.
5-14-21 Process review - Preventing stuck deals - What to do to get board approval - MUST LISTEN TO
5-28-21 Keeping the POC/tech win on track and keeping DMC
6-11-21 Case Study to prevent deal from getting stuck and create urgency - Must Listen to
6-25-21 How to be proactive and lead the deal - Working around gatekeepers - Create urgency
7-9-21 Technical win how to get and how keep - Must listen too
When to go TOP down - How to use requests - CFO's take on Budget, Approval levels and What they need to approve a purchase
CFO's answers to how big deals get done - MUST WATCH ONLY 5 MIN
08-06-21 Preventing Traps and building them into your Map
08-20-21 Inbound first call - dealing with a gatekeeper who is gathering info - Getting to the Why behind the why
Getting the Full Tech sales - How to sell WHY now - How to handle POC - MUST LISTEN TO
09-17-21 How to sell to the right thing and How to stay in touch over long periods of time
10-01-21 How deals get stuck and how we can prevent it - Must Listen to
10-15-21 How to prevent a deal from failing and why it happens - truth vs. fiction - MUST WATCH
Why deals stall and how to prevent it and how to sense if it will stall - MUST Listen too
Map to Money vs. Mutual action plans and how to know where you are and where to go.
11-26-21 Brake down the decision from the client's standpoint and prevent the STALL
12-10-21 How to handle large discount request - Push back on procurement - Next year planning
12-24-21 Where deals get stuck and how to prevent it
What having a locus of control of selling changes how you sell - MUST LISTEN TO
01-21-22 Preventing a stuck deal - when to give pricing - edging out a bigger competitor - Call Planning
OH 01-21-22 Call PDF
OH 02-04-22 How to neg and get the deal done
02-18-22 Budget, how to handle pricing - discounts - small deal now vs. big deal later
03-04-22 How to prevent the stall and keep the large deal on track - Must Watch
03-18-22 How value does not travel well - How to stay engaged with large time gaps
04-01-22 How to evaluate and develop a champion - How to work around a org change
4-15-22 What is a sales process and how to guide the client vs. react. How to handle legal and expired offers.
04-29-22 How to build the Partner in Crime rapport and Why deals stall, explaining NO BUDGET #must watch
05-13-22 How to build DMC - Differentiate true champions and false - How to negotiate once - MUST Listen to
05-27-22 How to prevent stalled deals by giving the economic decision maker what they need MUST LI
06-24-22 How to handle economic change and the new objections - Creating Active pain
07-08-22 How to prevent deals from going to purchase the smallest amount or starting over again
How to Lockout all other alternatives and make sure you are selected
08-05-22 How to leverage personal wins to prevent stalls and no decisions
08-19-22 How to gage your likelihood of winning after each conversation #MUST_LISTEN_TO
09-02-22 How to outline your First Call - How to prevent Ghosting - Deframe competitors - How to use the Business Justificaiton
09-16-22 How to get to the emotional reasons that will stall the deal - MUST LISTENT TO
09-30-22 How to put a test in each stage of the sale to determine the truth - MUST LISTEN TOO
10-14-22 Why it is so hard to not fall into traps - How to be proactive - When to know to close the deal - MUST LISTEN TO
10-28-22 How to prevent falling into the commodity trap
11-11-22 What has to be in place before you close the deal - how to find the technical decision maker
11-25-22 Detailed example of how and why to build your M2M - What you get out of it. - MUST WATCH
12-09-22 How to develop micro-skills to prevent the classic trap - MUST WATCH
12-23-22 CFO wanting pricing justification - M2M review - How to keep a call from falling into the commodity trap
01-06-22 How to compare your deals to the best deals - How to predict how the deal will evolve - MUST WATCH
01-20-22 How to talk to other problems to build to the problem you solve - #MUST LISTEN TOO
02-03-23 How to deal with a market study - How to prevent No-Decision - MUST WATCH
02-17-23 Why we keep falling into the classic traps in the complex sale and how to prevent it - MUS
03-03-23 How to reverse engineer the decision making process #MUST LISTEN TO
03-17-23 How to build the Business and Personal reasons to buy now - How the admin of purchasing works - #MUST LISTEN TOO
03-31-23 How to build prevention into your process - EOQ lessons and examples - #MUST LISTEN TO
04-14-23 How to use interdirect questions in a first call - How to use otter as a your sales coach
04-28-23 How to use the App and How the Simple sales works against us in the Complex Sale
05-12-23 How to build a process to prevent deal stalling traps - #MUST WATCH
05-26-23 How to sell in the Fog of war - Stalled deal prevention - How to build the trust clients want - MUST LISTEN TO
06-09-23 How to known where a prospect is in their decision process and more them forward #MUST LISTEN TO
06-23-23 How to handle a beauty contest sales when the competitor bakes in the price into a bundle
07-07-23 How to prevent the end of quarter NO DECISION deals
07-21-23 How to focus on the problem vs product - Total Cost vs Lowest cost - Why the CFO is NOT the economic DM
08-04-23 How to prep for a CFO proposal review - Why a Technical win is so important - How to diagnose a deal - MUST LISTEN TO
08-18-23 Questions to ask your champion before they meet with the economic buyer - MUST LISTEN TO
09-01-23 How to turn the pricing question into a value conversation - When is the deal ready to close - MUST LISTEN TO
09-15-23 Preventing the Stall in the Business Sales - 30-60-90 day plan - How to handle a blind RFI
09-29-23 How to become your own champion when needed and what to look for when evaluating a champion
10-13-23 Business Justification how to use it and a detailed example - Must Listen to
10-27-23 How to build and use the Hard Questions - Great questions about preparing your champion for a C-Suite meeting
11-10-23 Determining, setting and breaking the Rule of why YOU
11-24-23 How and why you need DMC in your deals - How to develop your judgement skills - how to know a false deal
12-08-23 How to Map out your First Call - Why you need to do it and what you get from it - PDF is Attached
01-05-24 How to review how you spent your time - How to prioritize your effort to maximize your income
01-19-24 How to determine if a deal is winnable and How to set Traps to prevent stalled deals
02-02-24 How to find the Technical Decision maker and get the Technical Sale - MUST LISTEN TO
02-16-24 How to understand the Status Game - Case Study of multiple departments and competing against change
03-01-24 How to perpare the hard questions so that you can get the true answers on your deals
03-15-24 How to increase your income by 30% by braking down your deals into manageable steps
03-29-24 How to keep the deal moving after the technical win - Q1 review of judgement skills - MUST LISTEN TO
04-12-24 Pattern matching to find where and why deals stall and how to prevent them
04-26-24 What are the Skills needed to Prevent the Stalling of Large deals - MUST LISTEN TO
05-10-24 How to prepare the Champion for the economic buyer meeting so that it closes vs starting over
05-24-24 How and why you need to qualify the economic buyers - A great case of when to talk away
06-07-24 How to build and keep DMC in your deals - MUST LISTEN TO
06-21-24 How to identify and avoid the TRAPS in b2b sales
07-05-24 What tools do we have to create and ,maintain urgency - Must Listen to
07-19-24 How to prevent Naysayers from stalling a deal - Business justifications using graphic - Must listen to
08-02-24 How to view your deals in a First Principles view and a Conversation view
08-16-24 How to build the partner in crime raport - when to transition from the tech sale to the business sale
08-30-24 How to find their personal win and who will push back on this deal?
09-13-24 How to use the advanced skills and still feel authentic - MUST WATCH
09-27-24 How to become great at sales fast - How to use these skills to close more deals
10-11-24 How to proactively drive the process and prevent stalls
10-25-24 The stages of sales skills and how to become great at the complex sale - Must listen
11-08-24 How to use "What changed" to regain the focus of the deal
11-22-24 How to identify signals that a deal is not a deal and correct them fast
12-06-24 When and how to start the business sales and keep it going till closed
12-06-24 When and how to start the business sales and keep it going till closed
11-22-24 How to identify signals that a deal is not a deal and correct them fast
11-08-24 How to use "What changed" to regain the focus of the deal
10-25-24 The stages of sales skills and how to become great at the complex sale - Must listen
10-11-24 How to proactively drive the process and prevent stalls
09-27-24 How to become great at sales fast - How to use these skills to close more deals
09-13-24 How to use the advanced skills and still feel authentic - MUST WATCH
08-30-24 How to find their personal win and who will push back on this deal?
08-16-24 How to build the partner in crime raport - when to transition from the tech sale to the business sale
08-02-24 How to view your deals in a First Principles view and a Conversation view
07-19-24 How to prevent Naysayers from stalling a deal - Business justification using graphic - Must Listen to
07-05-24 What tools do we have to create and ,maintain urgency - Must Listen to
06-21-24 How to identify and avoid the TRAPS in b2b sales
06-07-24 How to build and keep DMC in your deals - MUST LISTEN TO
05-24-24 How and why you need to qualify the economic buyers - A great case of when to talk away
05-10-24 How to prepare the Champion for the economic buyer meeting so that it closes vs starting over
04-26-24 What are the Skills needed to Prevent the Stalling of Large deals - MUST LISTEN TO
04-12-24 Pattern matching to find where and why deals stall and how to prevent them
03-29-24 How to keep the deal moving after the technical win - Q1 review of judgement skills - MUST LISTEN TO
03-15-24 How to increase your income by 30% by braking down your deals into manageable steps
03-01-24 How to perpare the hard questions so that you can get the true answers on your deals
02-16-24 How to understand the Status Game - Case Study of multiple departments and competing against change
02-02-24 How to find the Technical Decision maker and get the Technical Sale - MUST LISTEN TO
01-19-24 How to determine if a deal is winnable and How to set Traps to prevent stalled deals
01-05-24 How to review how you spent your time - How to prioritize your effort to maximize your income
12-22-23 Lessons learned in 2023 - Case study on full sales process - MUST LISTEN TO
12-08-23 How to Map out your First Call - Why you need to do it and what you get from it - PDF is Attached
11-24-23 How and why you need DMC in your deals - How to develop your judgement skills - how to know a false deal
11-10-23 Determining, setting and breaking the Rule of why YOU
10-27-23 How to build and use the Hard Questions - Great questions about preparing your champion for a C-Suite meeting
10-13-23 Business Justification how to use it and a detailed example - Must Listen to
09-29-23 How to become your own champion when needed and what to look for when evaluating a champion
09-15-23 Preventing the Stall in the Business Sales - 30-60-90 day plan - How to handle a blind RFI
09-01-23 How to turn the pricing question into a value conversation - When is the deal ready to close - MUST LISTEN TO
08-18-23 Questions to ask your champion before they meet with the economic buyer - MUST LISTEN TO
08-04-23 How to prep for a CFO proposal review - Why a Technical win is so important - How to diagnose a deal - MUST LISTEN TO
08-04-23 How to prep for a CFO proposal review - Why a Technical win is so important - How to diagnose a deal - MUST LISTEN TO
07-21-23 How to focus on the problem vs product - Total Cost vs Lowest cost - Why the CFO is NOT the economic DM
07-07-23 How to prevent the end of quarter NO DECISION deals
07-21-23 How to focus on the problem vs product - Total Cost vs Lowest c
06-23-23 How to handle a beauty contest sales when the competitor bakes in the price into a bundle
06-09-23 How to known where a prospect is in their decision process and more them forward #MUST LISTEN TO
05-26-23 How to sell in the Fog of war - Stalled deal prevention - How to build the trust clients want - MUST LISTEN TO
05-12-23 How to build a process to prevent deal stalling traps - #MUST WATCH
04-28-23 How to use the App and How the Simple sales works against us in the Complex Sale
The Business Justification
Questions to build interest
Question review and aligning groups with the account
How to develop a process
How to start the map to money
How to approach clients who are a little different to most
How to Prevent Objections
Map the conversation of a First Call
How to coach your champion to sell internally
How to control the conversation
Building interest
Create Urgency, Get the final order, Prioritize ops
Value prop vs Story
How to create urgency in a deal
Deal Review - How to keep the deal moving and Not fall into the quote trap
How to Recovery if you feel you have lost
M2M review and stall points
How to prevent deal from getting stuck - skip first min
How to prevent stalled deals
Business Justification review 05-07-19
Deal coaching and getting deals moving
How to get urgency in use of the product to generate revenue.
Inbound lead process and CEO briefings
How handle a TOC request and lockout cheaper alternatives.
Prep for first call with a new exec
Technical and Economic decision makers - Strategy Call
Replacing an established competitor.
Preventing deals from getting stuck
Business Justification and DMC
Business Justification and DMC
How to ask for what you need.
Lockouts and what happens if you do not get the tech sale
First Call prep to replace another product - strategy and tactics
How to use the map to make work
Demo Review - Risk areas- Strategy to eliminate the competition
Using Questions to build interest, strategy and planning for large deal
Competing on a Huge deal and determining the decision making process
Review of M2M and walking through how to make it more complete
Pricing, getting the technical sale and boxing out the incompetent
Pricing, getting the technical sale and boxing out the incompetent
How to re-engage when you are ghosted
Account Planning and strategy to lock-out competitor and keep DMC
How to handle an RFP and RFI
How to leverage an influencer and stop a competitive selection
Meeting planning and locking out the comp.
How box out a installed vendor and leverage Biz Justification
How to get the business win and neg price and order date.
How to work with purchasing and get them what they need.
How to utilize the Business Justification and keep the deal moving.
First Call Strategy - How to lockout the competition and get the next step
Business Justification review and lockout requirements
How to plan a second call and map out large deals.
How to handle pricing and timing when they say they do not have any budget
Business Justification and strategy planning to lockout a competitor.
Meeting Strategy and Getting The Technical Sale in Services Sales
How to ask the timing question and positioning - Software
First Call prep - How to build interest in replacing a competitor - C-level - SaaS
How to Justify your product financially - medical device - business justification - ROI
How to get the Technical sales when you are the most expensive - 3m deal
How to connect with higher level contacts to prevent a deal from being single threaded.
2-21-20 Getting the Technical Sales and Differentiating Yourself - Deal Strategy
Building stages for a Selling a service to Customer Success, CRO and CEO in the SaaS space
How qualify your deal before the first call and how to keep DMC
Deal strategy when and how to provide a proposal and how to keep the deal from stalling - services
How to use an analogy to set the rules and lockout your competition - technical sales
Swap out of a Competitor and How to justify it - Medical - SaaS - Tech Win - Biz Jus
How to build to a business sales - Deal strategy - Handling the budget objection
Post Mortum and How to know when you are losing or winning
How to find the champion and keep the deal moving
Confirming the Technical Sale and Get the deal on track
Biz Justification review and how to use ROI, Tech vs. Business
First Call - How to create DMC - Avoid stalling - Handling just send me some info
M2M review - Biz Justification - DMC - Selling Logistics
Getting the next meeting - handling pricing - positioning why you
How to find intangibles and find the personal wins for each person.
Deal Strategy - Lockouts - Differentiators - End runs
How to guide a PR through the system
How to tell if you have the tech sales and how to understand the process
Deal review - Final stage before board meeting - Locking out the competitors
How to handle random purchasing/RFI/Market studies - How to reset the rules
Two deal reviews that are stuck and how to push to get higher
How to replace a competitor - Biz Just
Biz Justification review and how to use it in the sales process
Preventing stalls - drive reengagement
How CFO's buy - How to prioritize your time
Review of Biz and Technical Justification to differentiate
How to work with a 3rd party service provider
How to not fall into someone else's trap and Set the Rules
How to block out a competitor and gain access to the CIO
M2M walk through and How to keep the deal moving
How to leverage the Biz Justification - Building the economic part of a deal when you do not have access to leadership
Strategy review and polishing - How and why to document steps - selling security software and service
Strategy review for selling a new product and starting conversations
Tech and Business Justification Review
Review of the m2m and deal strategy
How to prevent a stall and respond to delays
How to get a response with just checking in Case Study MUST Listen to 20 min in
Competing against do nothing - unstalling a deal
M2M review and deal strategy
How to prevent your deal from getting stuck - How to find all the decision makers - MUST LISTEN TO
Getting the Business when you do not have access - How have the deal WHEN we do it vs. IF we do it.
How to handle the owner meeting - How to WIN vs. lose fast - MUST LISTEN
Deal review when a contractor has a personal win not to work with you
What to do when stuck in legal
How to be seen as a resource vs. a rep - The upsell
Deal review of stuck deals and how to prevent it and get it back on track
How to turn a small team that has picked your competitor and leverage execs to build a bigger vision
How to get to the real issues so the deal does not stall
Deal review - Cost of Not doing it vs Doing
Strategy when you have one champion and how to build from there.
How to use R
How to win against building it internally vs. buy product
How to get the prospect to Must Fix NOW - Must
How to map out your typical stalls and objections and get people focused
How to use Questions to have the client think the way we want
How to differentiate when you are viewed as a commodity - Selling Facebook marketing to SMB
Using the Business Justification to keep the deal moving - How to displace a competitor
How to get started with your m2m
How to present pricing and options to close fast
How to create
When to identify and develop a user champion - Skip to the first 15 min - we talk about where deals get stuck and why
How to upsell an existing client and build in a next step
Review Business Justification and how to prioritize time
How to compete with internal alternatives
How to brief the Board of Directors on a 7-figure deal
How to handle the push back on price at the last minute
How to handle a Proof of Con
How to compare wins vs. stales - build them into your M2M to prevent them in your process
How to be proactive and focused on the few deals that can and will close
How to keep a POC on track and what to do when there is just a research project without a busy use.
Success story - deal review - setting traps for competitors
Handling Price objection - keeping a deal moving - avoiding the repair situation
Working around groups - how to use training as a paid tech sale
How to build a YES and avoid a stall - Braking down the conversations to keep DMC
Getting the Technical sales and locking out the competitors
Biz Justification review and account strategy review
How to prevent a stuck deal after the technical win and get to economic approvers
Building out the biz justification and m2m
Big deal review and process - selling services
Account review and strategy plan - Enterprise deal
Deal is stuck and your champion has moved on - How to get the deal back on track
Deal review - HR - Learning management - Where is it and what to do about it
Account strategy and setting a close date/action plan
Account strategy - regaining DMC after the coach leaves
Deal Strategy when ROI is not compelling
How to streamline the evalution POC process
Business justification review and strategy review - Must watch
Acid test to determine where you stand and become a MUST have
How to get out of the "We need to move quickly just send us a quote" trap... Now they go with the lowest price.
Lessons learned during the course and how this rep made it to the top 10%
Strategy for a great First Call
First call with a Government client in the first 15 min - How to keep DMC in the second 15 min
How to deal prep and keep DMC - What to look for in hiring a rep
Preventing a beauty contest first call or group presentation - selling digital marketing services
How to bundle and justify a long term deal
How to prevent a POC from getting delayed
How to apply judgement to increase win rate and keep DMC
How to co-develop a technical win and RFI with the client
How to package up a deal to make it bigger and happen faster
Success Story and Competitor replacement - MUST LISTEN TOO
When to do a trial or POC and what are the issues
Deal strategy when no verbal technical win and broken communication
How to make deal faster - Using executives - events
Business justification for executives and how to apply it to the technical win
Business Justification review and how co-author it.
Rebuilding a new champion and sole source justifications
How to position options, present what they get and use training and consulting to sell more.
Deal strategy review - lockouts - investor impact - RFP staging - Must Watch
How to use the Biz Justification to compete again an internal approach.
Structuring and execution a great First Call
When to slow down and build up the why
Locking in the Tech Sale - Defining alternatives "Who do you compete with?" - keeping momentum when priorities shift
Map review - business justification strategy - Managed Security Service
How to build urgency and get deal approved
How to execute a great First Call - #Security #software
How to keep #DMC - #poc #software #technicalSale
Working with an account team - How to build urgency to take action - #services #questions
Positioning Services and getting to the economic decision maker - evaluation RFP's
How to apply the m2m when you are a business owner and want to win larger deals #construction
How to map out your huge deals and prevent stalling and slipping
Getting the Technical win - Spring the traps - Solve the real problem
How to keep a huge deal moving and not get stuck on the admin stage
How to get the POC justified and started
How to get paid up front - Packaging larger deals
Getting DMC back into a deal - #Services
Account strategy to pick the best accounts and prepare a first call
Building a Why Now - Doing long POC's
Why use a these thing - even when they want to move "fast"
How to present options and when to use the Biz Justification
Building the technical and business sale concurrently - MUST LISTEN TO
Controlling the Technical Sale when they do not know what they want
Preventing stuck deals. #Services #IT
When to do a POC and how it can speed up your deal #startup
Deal strategy with end of year closure - handling RFPs
How to reduce the fear of change
Strategy on a large deal to identify the driver of change
How to find the right people to get the deal done
Strategy to upsell and confirm approvals
Yearly planning and career strategy
How to best handle discount requests that force a higher level conversation #MustListenTo
How to prevent ghosting after the POC
MAP review and how to evaluate partner deals
Lessons learned applying the course over a year and half - MUST LISTEN TO
Questions to Build latent pain into active pain
Building urgency after they have pricing #technicalSale
Positioning your service to large and small - How to talk about a larger deal
Designing an RFI to be wired for you.
When to couple deals and when to seperate them - Getting a large deal done with a small client.
How to handle pricing, budget and gaining executive buy in - MUST Listen too
M2M review - Deal win/lose review - the simplest way to keep deals on track - MUST Listen to
Business Justification review for selling Security Services - Must Watch
Deal reviews selling services to sales leaders
How to build the deal and gain commitment without an additional POC
Deal review with WHY NOW and keeping momentum
Business justification review - security - why now - value
How to keep deals moving - first time in sales - selling a service
Determining a next step - re-engaging when no one is using your service/product
Decision criteria is nice but that is not what they decide on #MUST LISTEN TO
How to expand an account and use questions to speak with an executive
How to handle inbound conversations
How to handle Legal review and keep the deal moving
How to handle a deal that another rep messed up
How to handle a deal when the client is getting acquired
How to negotiate around sign-off limits
Questions review and map to keep DMC
How to work a multi-divisional org - #tickets
How to handle a POC when the product is not a perfect match - deal reviews
How to prepare for a 4 legged sales call and trade-offs of giving a quote after the first call
How to hold a deadline and have concurrency in Business and Technical sale
How to handle a random objection at the end of a call - How to sell why NOW #Must Listen too
How to prevent the deal from stalling after giving pricing
How to handle "build vs. buy" and get your client to use your data #
How to map out your first call and use the Business Justification to change the focus to savings
How to map a new sales process in a new job
What are the classic traps of the complex sales - How to evaluate a inbound opportunity - MUST WATCH
Using the Business Justification to keep DMC in a deal
How to evaluate a RFI or RFP and how to prioritize it
How to handle NO PAIN and when the business climate changes - MUST WATCH
How to message what you do so the client cares
How to handle a NEW CTO who wants to build the product themselves
Strategy for a new product and how to keep the deal moving
How to get the key elements of the Business Justification ROI that the CEO cares most about
How to handle a blocker and a company in crisis - How to keep the deal moving
How to prepare for a demo and develop a lockout
Deal review of 5 deals selling a service that requires a Justification
How to read a client to understand what is behind the delay
How to use the Business Justification to keep the deal moving forward - Selling to HR and OPS
How to explain what YOU do and match the Problem to the Price - Selling training and Cusulting
How to Sell URGENCY in your deal - MUST WATCH
What to look for when moving into a larger b2b sales and what to do about it
How and when to use the business justification - How to prevent getting blocked - Manager vs. Economic buyer
How and when to use the business justification - Selling change - Positioning alternatives
How to design questions to activate pain and how to use the BJ earlier in the sales process
How to handle the business justification and use it instead of a quote
How to test for interest and finding the right person - How prevent the stall after the quote - MUST LISTEN TO THE LAST 10 MIN
What happen when they view you just as an option
How to position your lockouts and handle being the most expensive
Deal reviews - Upselling a service to 2X - How and why to divide and concur
How to apply your lockouts and balance first deal size vs. time
How to handle the presentation and
How to qualify deeper on the second call
How to find the one person who is driving the change and POC for the deal
How to build up urgency and differentiate from other competitors
How to Present the problem you solve and focus on WHY it is a MUST Have
Business Justification review and Identifying change as the competition
Pricing and avoiding the commodity trap
Business Justification review - MUST W
How to create the next meeting and the importance of the Tech Sale
Pre-Call Checklist review and how to create curiosity
Deal Strategy review
How to get the technical sales and when to introduce the business justification = MUST LISTEN TO
How to engage on the First Call - Setting your lockouts - Def
How to get the client focusing on what they really want and need.
How to handle a "Market Study" first call with someone who is just gathering info
How to develop a technical justification
Deal review when no technical sale is acquire - How to develop your judgement skills of what to work on and in what order
How to prepare for a First Call with a dream account
Account Strategy review - Competitor strategy
Business Justification review - Identifying the intangibles - Alternatives to a POC #MUST LISTEN TO
Case Study in Competing being viewed as a commodity - How to push back and get them focused on the problem not the cost
How to compete when your competitor does a N/C bundle - Questions to qualify without being salesy
Deals are stalling at the purchase point and how to prevent it
How to find the right first Use Case when selling a service
How to prevent a stall with
Breaking a competitors lockouts
How to prevent being view as commodity and having the client focus solely on the
How to use DMC to keep a deal moving and preventing stalls
M2M review focused on the first call
Business Justification review and how to find Opportunity Costs and Total cost of ownership - Must listen to
How to position the selection in the business justification to win the deal
Your Champion is over confident and assumes the company will do whatever they ask - MUST LISTEN TOO
Business Justification review and Strategy review
How to use a small deal to eliminate the competition and turn it into a big deal
Deal review when the coach is leaving and the competitor is
How to get the client focused on the Logical vs Emotional of a large deal - The cost of Not-Doing vs Doing
How to keep the deal moving and firming up the technical sale
How to connect a feature to what it does for them - TOC vs. Unit Cost - How to use an eval - MUST LISTEN TO
How to set and handle traps
How to work around procurement and unit cost to get them focused TCO instead
Finding and presenting differentiators and total cost of ownership
Applying your lockouts and Keeping the evaluation moving
How to find new lockouts and take down a first deal
How to get leadership to tell purchasing what to do
Business Justification review - How to react when they tell you your the best product but are not buying
How to become your own champion - Great Case on how build a deal from scratch
Deal strategy - How to get leadership prepared for a large deal
How to get what you want and need to close the deal or keep it moving
Business Justification review and how to set traps over time
Deal review - How to Stay engaged - Finding out who is going to be impacted by the product selection
How to keep the conversation going - How to create and maintain urgency
How to nail the technical win and test for the timing
Locking in the technical win with a prepper package - How to determine how hard the economic sales will be
How detailed show your map be and how to apply it
07-03-24 Separating out the Preparers and Reactors in your pipeline
How to handle a naysayer - How to do a reverse timeline - Using a graphical Business Justification - MUST LISTEN TO
How drive the decision maker call to determine what the likelihood is to close
How to measure the technical sale and keep the focus on their urgency
How to build a Value vs. Cost conversation
The Cost vs Value conversation
How to co-create the business justification - last 10 min
How to avoid the big deal trap - Focusing the deal on the problem NOT the product
The purchasing process and getting a solid technical win
How to keep the deal moving and Why we need a Map-to-Money
Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.
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